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Art in the Time of Coronavirus

Like you, I'm sure you've been stuck at home because of mandatory shelter-in-place orders. It's been kinda nice, I won't lie. I've enjoyed being a home body, having more time to be creative, something I've desperately needed over the last few weeks.

I've been hammering out the collages for months, but my collage output has increased substantially. In fact, I have a few soon-to-be published book projects in the works, collecting my various designs (more details soon). In between all that, I'm working on a series of 'quarantine' collages, called "Clean Quarantine." One themed collage is created for each day Dallas County residents are required to shelter in pace. The first fourteen collages have been completed, and the second volume has begun. There are at least 21 more days of the shelter-in-place order, but that could easily be extended by our county judge come April 30th. Regardless of the order, once this series is complete, I'll collect them for a separate art book, more so to serve as a document of the time. (Each day, I post the new collage design on my Instagram Stories, in case you want to follow along with the series: @jonathonkimbrell).

Even if all of the world's social events and gatherings are on hold temporarily, this gives me a good opportunity to stockpile some stuff for future events. I'm doing my best to navigate the situation every day. Some days are more successful and productive than others. I know we can hang in there a little while longer.

Anyhoozle...making the best of a shitty situation. Might as well make some self-gratifying art while I'm at it.

Hope to have more to share soon. Instagram is always a good way to instantly catch up on what is going on in the studio. Cheers, for now! -JK

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