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Grad Thesis Presentation COMING SOON!

It's been a loooooooong three years, but I'm excited to be presenting my thesis research and design-centric solution on June 25th (see abstract above). I've been a record collector for nearly 25 years (hard for me to believe), and I've always been interested in preservation and promoting important music. The Texas Jukebox Project was approved as a thesis topic by my graduate committee in 2018, and I've created a design-centric solution to archiving, preserving, and promoting West Texas Country Music and working-class culture on phonograph records. Long story short, due to several circumstances within the music industry during the 1950s, many small and private press record releases did not see their fair share of exposure, causing these records to become scarce, lost, or too expensive within the collector's market today to be accessible. I'm currently working on the thesis presentation website, which will go live just prior to June 25th. My research and design-centric solution lends itself well to expansion and other areas of research possibilities, something myself and my professors are very excited about.

I'm very much looking forward to sharing this with the world soon. Thanks to COVID-19, my presentation will take place via Zoom instead of the traditional in-person preso. However, I think it'll still be a fun and educational experience. Thanks to my family, friends, and especially my wife, for being so patient and supportive of me while in grad school. I couldn't have done this without your support. Apologies for the severe lack of updates or new content on this site. I'll be returning to a some-what normal schedule after graduation.

Cheers, -JK


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